The power of cetaceans is astonishing! Their intelligence and charisma are often so distracting that we forget the sheer power of the animals we are encountering. […]
Southeast winds were predicted for today, a wind direction that doesn’t exactly favour finding animals for our trips. Ocean conditions, however, remained stable for the morning […]
On Saturday, the mood on the sea was relaxed. Our first sighting, Atlantic spotted dolphins (Stenella frontalis) were active and at their best. However, our Short-beaked […]
In music, a potpourri is defined as a composition of already existing compositions that are put together and form a new musical harmony. Today we had […]
What a marvellous day out on the ocean today! Our tours were filled with sightings of smaller dolphin species, like the curious Atlantic spotted dolphins (Stenella […]
The morning started gently with a school of Short-finned pilot whales (Globicephala macrorhynchus) cruising calmly along the shoreline. The animals were very relaxt and there were […]