Today we had one trip aboard the Stenella and saw two of our resident species in the Macaronesia, Short-finned pilot whales (Globicephala macrorhynchus) and Bottlenose dolphins […]
Over the past years we have come to notice that certain groups of Bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) have acquired a particular taste for Black scabbard fish. […]
Today both boats went out for an afternoon trip. Weather conditions were very favourable and our spotter, Silviano, already had a bearing for us as we […]
Today, our journey into the vast expanse of the Atlantic Ocean transformed into a magical odyssey, brimming with breathtaking encounters with some of the ocean’s most […]
Today’s journey into the heart of the Atlantic Ocean unfolded like a captivating saga, filled with thrilling encounters with some of the ocean’s most majestic inhabitants. […]
Today’s oceanic adventure unveiled a mesmerizing ballet of marine life, showcasing the beauty and wonder of the Atlantic. Among the stars of the show were the […]
Today, our voyage into the Atlantic unveiled a royal procession of marine marvels. Among them were the spirited Atlantic spotted dolphins (Stenella frontalis), the graceful Common […]
Today, we were privileged to witness an array of oceanic marvels that left us spellbound. Our journey into the Atlantic unveiled the graceful dance of common […]