December 2, 2023

25.11.2023 – Little acrobats

All cetaceans are extremely social animals but few put this on full display during sightings like the members of the dolphin family! While larger delphinids, like […]
November 30, 2023

23.11.2023 – A majestic Thursday

Today, something amazing unfolded off the shores of Madeira. It was a day where the ocean put on a show, treating everyone watching to a stunning […]
November 22, 2023

15.11.2023 – A world in sound

We didn’t have to search long to find cetaceans out on the Atlantic this morning. Our team headed west and was able to track down a […]
November 18, 2023

11.11.2023 – Whale whisperers

I wouldn’t ever assume that anyone in our team has any sort of superpower…but there is something undeniably magical about finding cetaceans, particularly evasive whales. While […]
November 16, 2023

09.11.2023 – Rounded heads

This morning our guests were able to observe four different species of marine mammals. Three of these four species had very similar external characteristics, namely a […]
November 15, 2023

08.11.2023 – Snorkeling Spectacle in Madeira!

What a day we had at Lobosonda! Our snorkeling adventure began at 9:30 AM, and the Atlantic spotted dolphins (Stenella frontalis) greeted us with their playful […]
November 14, 2023

07.11.2023 – Something you should never do

Today our guests brought something with them and took something with them home. In the morning we had Bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) resting just outside the […]
November 12, 2023

03.11.2023 – Adventures in the Deep Blue: A Day of Sea Wonders!

Our team set sail to explore the vast ocean, and what we encountered was nothing short of magical. Get ready for a thrilling tale of the […]
November 10, 2023

01.11.2023 – Sunshine trips

Finally there was sunshine and a calm sea again. This is a pleasant change after the high swell of the last few days and the weather […]