Today, something amazing unfolded off the shores of Madeira. It was a day where the ocean put on a show, treating everyone watching to a stunning display of sea life.
At 9:30 in the morning, the waters came alive with Atlantic spotted dolphins (Stenella frontalis). They danced through the waves, jumping and playing, bringing so much joy to the scene.
But the real excitement happened at 13:30 in the afternoon. That’s when something truly special appeared: Cuvier’s beaked whales (Ziphius cavirostris). They’re not often seen, so it was a big deal. These whales are known for their unique looks and incredible diving abilities. These majestic beaked whales took center stage, their elusive nature making this sighting particularly remarkable. These deep-diving creatures, known for their distinct appearance and incredible diving prowess, graced the waters alongside Pilot whales (Globycephala macrorhynchus) and the ever-charming Bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus).
The sight of Cuvier’s beaked whales is always a cause for celebration among marine biologists and enthusiasts, given their infrequent appearances. Their sleek, elongated bodies and characteristic beaks added a sense of enigma to the already awe-inspiring marine theater.
These sightings serve as a poignant reminder of the diverse and vibrant ecosystem that thrives beneath the ocean’s surface. They also underscore the importance of conservation efforts to protect and preserve these magnificent creatures and their habitats.
As we reflect on these breathtaking moments, let us cherish the wonders of the natural world and commit ourselves to safeguarding these treasures for generations to come.
May the waters off Madeira continue to be a haven for such magnificent displays of marine life, inviting us to marvel at the beauty and mystery of our oceans.
By Camila Dávila
Sightings of the day
09:30 Atlantic spotted dolphin, Bottlenose dolphin
13:30 Cuvier’s beaked whales, Pilot whales, Bottlenose dolphin
Ribeira brava
13:30 Pilot whales, Bottlenose dolphin