Yesterday in the crystal-clear waters off the coast of Madeira, Portugal, we were treated to three incredible dolphin sightings that showcased the beauty of marine life. […]
Hello March! What an absolutely breathtaking way to kick off the month – with nature’s grand spectacle unfolding right before our eyes! Today’s sightings were nothing […]
A small gap in the weather this morning provided good conditions for another STENELLA trip. We practically went from one sighting to another as soon as […]
The last tours of the year took place today for our guests from Lobosonda. We were treated to beautiful, close encounters with Bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus), […]
Today’s overcast sky and impending rain showers didn’t make the Atlantic Ocean look any less inviting for our guests and team. Thankfully the wind from the […]
Those of you who celebrate Christmas know that this is the time of the year for family reunions and get-togethers. Of course, the festive season isn’t […]
It’s such an incredible pleasure to conduct whale-watching on an oceanic island like Madeira! Oceanic islands are the safe havens of the high seas, attracting different […]