Today was full with excitement and and extra special visitors. Starting with active Striped dolphins (Stenella coeruleoalba) and just one but two different species of beaked […]
This morning we had a gentle tour with a spectacular sighting. First we found Bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) migrating towards Funchal. We tried to approach them, […]
Today is World Turtle Day. This special day in honor of the tortoise was established to draw attention to the threat to the tortoise. Although these […]
The rising temperatures that accompany the gradual transition to summer is visible in both the lush terrestrial and marine life of Madeira. At this time of […]
Even though we didn’t have any marine mammal sightings on the Ribeira Brava in the morning, it was still an eventful tour. A pretty Portuguese man-o-war, […]