Our morning tour on both boats was more suited to adult audiences. Short-fined pilot whales (Globicephala macrorhynchus) and Bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) are often found together, […]
After another amazing snorkeling trip with calm seas and a curious and playful pod of around 50 Atlantic Spotted Dolphins (stenella frontalis), the rest of the […]
Synonyms for amazing are extraordinary, impressive, special, excellent to name a few. Today was such an amazing day. In the morning, Ribeira Brava moved on a […]
Another blast!!! Conditions were more than perfect today, crystal clear seas and sunshine provided the perfect backdrop for ocean exploration and absolutely amazing sightings that got […]
There were two special activities today that involved a tail. In whales and dolphins, the caudal fin is horizontal. One swoop and the marine mammal moves […]