In music, a potpourri is defined as a composition of already existing compositions that are put together and form a new musical harmony. Today we had […]
Today seemed to be the best day for turtle watching. On the second tour in particular, the focus was on Loggerhead turtles (Caretta caretta). While Loggerhead […]
It was a rich day. So many special encounters with nice guests and our sea friends. Nature is so fantastic, so wonderful, always different and touching. […]
In the morning, influenced by Leste (wind that brings sand from the Sahara), the sea looked like liquid lead. This creates a special mood. Both Stenella […]
A day full of dolphins and many other wonderful sea creatures is behind us. In the morning there were Short-beaked common dolphins (Delphinus delphis) and Striped […]
Bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus), as we encountered them on all tours today, are not uncommon off Madeira’s coast. Nevertheless, it is a special experience to meet […]
Currents are a decisive physical force in our oceans and act as transport systems for nutrients, plankton and also larger animals. Madeira’s waters are subject to […]
An appreciation post about those long lasting and amazing creatures, that we’re lucky to observe often as a little bonus on our tours. Sadly, we humans […]