We have experienced a lot of different things today! A nameless Loggerhead turtle (Caretta caretta) in the distance was our first sighting. Afterwards, we encountered a […]
Three Bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) were our oceanic escort today. After carefully approaching them, they were ready to let us take part in their everyday lives […]
Our team is always checking the horizon; whether it’s during, before or after a tour, our experience at sea leaves an almost constant anticipation of cetaceans […]
Our zodiac, the STENELLA, may be off the water but her namesakes sure aren’t! The beautiful crystal clear waters i front of Madeira’s southwest coastline were […]
We left the overcast skies above Calheta behind this afternoon and cruised far out aboard our traditional boat until we reached the deep waters and sunny […]
What an eventful day! Both our boats drove out to sea this morning with our Stenella set on finding Atlantic spotted dolphins (Stenella frontalis) for our […]