The adaptations of our oceans inhabitants to their environment are quite marvellous, don’t you think? And don’t get me started to marvel about whales’ and dolphins’ […]
Let’s imagine a “Behind-the-scenes” of a whale-watching trip at Lobosonda. Hopefully for our guest’s, every tour feels smooth and easy going, but there is quite some […]
Well, I wouldn’t call it exactly a quiet morning on the ocean. Indeed, we managed to use a small weather window between yesterday’s windy and today’s […]
Today’s ocean encounters were determined by one resident species, the Bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus). Often occurring close to the coasts, this species is one of the […]
As we left Calheta harbour and headed east, we could feel the wind slowly gaining strength. White foam caps danced on the waves. We attentively observed […]