Rain in the air, but the sea still smooth, so we headed out. A school of Bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) appeared calm. Sometimes there has to […]
Enthusiastic guests, enthusiastic crew. It was great today. We started with quite shy Striped dolphins (Stenella coeruleoalba), which always kept an accurate distance from our boat. […]
A wonderful day! This morning everything happened quickly. Shortly after leaving the harbor, we saw the first Bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) and then we continued to […]
Today we found Atlantic spotted dolphins (Stenella frontalis) inmids the waves, which accompanied us with long jumps. These outgoing little dolphins have a penchant for riding […]
What an absolutely phenomenal day! The overcast sky set the mood for an incredible number of sightings! Both our boats managed sightings with a total of […]
Great sightings! When leaving the marina, the sea was calm. A wonderful change after the last very eventful days. However, conditions at sea can always change […]
Who looks like Pilot whales but isn’t? Who has a torpedo-shaped body? Who looks very different from their namesake (Orca)? Who can swim calmly through the […]
Of all the cetaceans that visit the islands waters, False orcas (Pseudorca crassidens) definitely deliver the most explosive sightings. These incredibly fast close relatives of the […]