A wonderful day! This morning everything happened quickly. Shortly after leaving the harbor, we saw the first Bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) and then we continued to Pseudo Orcas (Pseudorca crassidens). They were very extensively distributed over the sea. We were allowed to observe a calf, which held close to mom’s side. Pregnancy in Pseudo Orcas is 15-16 months. It is currently assumed that a female only gives birth to a calf every six to seven years. Incidentally, the offspring are sometimes nursed for up to two years. While females are capable of reproduction between the ages of 8-11, they enter menopause at around 44 years of age.
A few times we’ve had these fast-paced swimmers alongside our boat. It was a very energetic observation. Then we went to Short-finned pilot whales (Globicephala macrorhynchus). This encounter too was close and beautiful. A calf was adventurous and swam in the bow wave of our Stenella. Incidentally, Pseudo Orcas and Pilot whales not only have physical similarities, but also some things in common, such as their gestation period and their matriarchal social structure. Also, the females of both species live longer than the male group members and often reach an age of 63 years.
In the afternoon, we had very nice encounters with Bottlenose dolphins and Short-finned pilot whales. This time, as so often, the Bottlenose dolphins stayed close to the Pilot whales.
By Fatima Kutzschbach
Sightings of the day
Ribeira Brava
10:00 Bottlenose dolphins, Pilot whales, Pseudo orcas
14:30 Bottlenose dolphins, Pilot whales
10:00 Bottlenose dolphins, Pseudo orcas, Pilot whales
15:00 Bottlenose dolphins, Pilot whales