Today’s expedition in Madeira gifted us with extraordinary sightings that will be etched in our memories forever! From the playful Common dolphins (Delphinus delphis) to the […]
We headed out to sea in calm seas with limited visibility. And it was wonderful, marvellous, magnificent! Bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus), unfortunately on their way to […]
This spring has just been absolutely incredible! Our guests keep reading about our sightings and asking us questions like “When can we see this species?”, “When […]
Today seemed to be the best day for turtle watching. On the second tour in particular, the focus was on Loggerhead turtles (Caretta caretta). While Loggerhead […]
Our beautiful traditional boat, the Ribeira Brava, has finally returned from her maintenance on dry dock and was ready to take guests out on this fine, […]
It’s always incredible how the Atlantic Ocean surprises us with brilliant sightings! We never really know when we are going to encounter baleen whales at sea […]