Rainy days always seem more grey, particularly for tourists seeking a warm break here in Madeira from their colder home countries. Nothing lights up such days like an encounter with some frolicking dolphins out on the Atlantic Ocean! We left the marina clad in waterproof clothes to do just that and soon enjoyed sightings with two small groups of Short-beaked common dolphins (Delphinus delphis) who were busy hunting Halfbeaks (Belone belone) and creating quite a spectacle as they did!
The dolphins were dispersed across an enormous area in small hunting parties, with the first group foraging close to the coastline and the second a few miles further offshore. In the afternoon our long search finally ended with a successful sighting of the same species hunting a few miles off the coast of Ribeira Brava. Our team was extremely proud to manage these encounters considering the rainy conditions that limited our spotters view on the ocean.
The real heroes of the day, however, and our crews reliable little helpers during all our tours are marine birds. Todays diversity of marine birds associated with the hunting situations ranged from Yellow-legged gulls (Larus michahellis) to Cory’s shearwaters (Calonectris borealis) and a juvenile Northern gannet (Morus bassanus). The latter even darted at an incredible speed into the water to grab its share during this mornings feeding situations while the shearwaters and gulls fought over the other catch. Magnificent, what a wonderful place our ocean is!
By Paula Thake
Sightings of the day
10:00 Short-beaked common dolphins
15:00 Short-beaked common dolphins