A common question: which is the best boat? On days like today I get to find out working both Riberia Brava and Stenella in the same day. If you ask the desk crew, the difference between the boats is simple: fast and slow. Put in numbers, it’s the difference of a few 100 horsepower (or a journey at somewhere around 6 knots versus 20 knots). Today both boats showed the advantages and disadvantages of their respective niches, but both had great tours. Stenella sped around at high speed and was able to observe multiple species for short periods of time. Today these species included Rizzo’s dolphin (Grampus griseus), atlantic spotted dolphins (Stenella frontalis), and bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus). Being low to the water Means stenella may sometimes see other animals on the waterline, such as the loggerhead sea turtle (Carreta carreta) today at 17:00, while riberia brava at a more leisurely place took in Atlantic spotted dolphins, Rizzo’s dolphins. Seeing them for longer and close to the bow. From their higher viewpoint on deck, the guests also spied a hammerhead shark at 13:30, so the choice is yours: faster versus slower, higher versus lower, tradition versus modernity. Whichever you choose, as today proved, you will have a great tour.
by Peter Worth
Sightings of the Day
09:30 – Atlantic Spotted Dolphins, Rissos Dolphins, Bottlenose Dolphins
14:00 Atlantic Spotted dolphins
17:00 – Risso’s dolphins, Loggerhead Sea Turtle
Ribeira Brava
09:30 – Atlantic Spotted dolphins, Risso’s dolphins
13:30 – Atlantic Spotted Dolphins, Hammerhead Shark