Before any of our trips, during my briefings, I mention the necessity of patience. Patience, which our spotters have, scanning the sea all day long in search of whales or dolphins. Patience, that we might need until the spotters or us find animals out in the wide ocean. And even once we finally do find animals, I tell everyone to be patient when we get closer to the animals, as our skippers always will try to approach as cautiously as possible, in order to guarantee the animals’ wellbeing and the best possible sighting. Whales and dolphins will always be aware of us, but if we drive slowly and observe their reaction to us, we have a better chance of them being curious and seeing them well, instead of them dashing away from us. I have to admit, one of my favourite moments during any trip is the reaction of our guests when seeing dolphins or whales for the very first time. I can still faintly remember how it felt to me. You might have dreamt of this moment for a long time, you have a certain expectation how it will look and feel seeing these beauties in the wild. Any disturbance, any movement that you see out in the blue excites you – was that something? Fingers often point towards waves, or towards seabirds which are resting on the ocean surface, maybe towards another boat in the distance. The air on our trips before the first sighting is often full of suspense. And then, finally, if we get to see a group of dolphins or a whale, waves of excitement go through the boat. I hope that many of you appreciate how special these very first moments with whales and dolphins in the wild are. And maybe, some of you, will return again and again, because they felt for these marvellous creatures, just as I did myself.
Today’s exciting (and eventually very first time) sightings included: Atlantic spotted dolphins (Stenella frontalis), Bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus), and even a large Sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus).
by Sarah Kather
Sightings of the day
Ribeira Brava
14:30 Bottlenose dolphins, Sperm whale
09:30 Atlantic spotted dolphins, Bottlenose dolphins
14:00 Bottlenose dolphins
17:00 Sperm whale