The “bends” or decompression sickness in scuba-divers, happens when gas bubbles expand to quickly and block blood flow somewhere in the circulatory system. This expanded gas […]
The first pod of dolphins (the bottlenose dolphins) close to shore, were slumbered away by her. But the pod of common dolphins, that were feeding far […]
You might be surprised by this Blog title. Christmas is in a hurry, why? There are years when a Christmas gift comes earlier. This happened yesterday […]
The attraction of the day was definitely the sunfish! Very photogenic, with lots of Pilot Fisches around him, dancing and cleaning. The sunfish is the biggest […]
What an amazing trip with Stenella at noon we had today! We saw Atlantic Spotted dolphins behaving in their best manner; Striped dolphins which showed their […]
We had resting Atlantic Spotted dolphins for a short time around us. The Ribeira Brava was moving softly on the swell and the dolphins were calm around us. […]