Astrid’s impressions: Today the Atlantic spotted dolphins kept us in suspense. On both our Ribeira Brava trips, we first of all had to practice patience and positive […]
Claudia’s impressions: Mother Nauture is always worth for surprises. Today in the morning on our early trips we wer surprised by all this ATLANTIC SPOTTED DOLPHINS. […]
Astrid’s impressions: Right after leaving the marina our spotter phoned us with good news: Dolphins ahead. And here they were, near to shore. A big school […]
Fatima’s impressions: The heart might be touched from many different things. There are very manifold ways of love. For example at work, when joy and enthusiasm […]
Fatima’s impressions: A last time in their vacation the „Shorties“ (Homo sapiens) went out on the Madeira ocean. The ATLANTIC SPOTTED DOLPHINS and BOTTLENOSE DOLPHINS made a […]
Claudia’s Impressions: Looking from land the sea seems quiet and calm, but we already feel that autumn is beginning. A big swell and the warm eastwind hinders […]
Claudia’s impressions: Today was the PILOT WHALE-day, cause on all of our trips we encountered pilot whales. And these mammals showed us once again how fast […]
Astrid’s impressions: On both tours we could make extensive observations of Atlantic spotted Dolphins. Each time we had big schools with many calves. In the morning they […]