During our evening trip we had a very cosy situation. Blainville`s Beaked whales are usually pretty reserved. With these animals it is highly necessary to finesse […]
This afternoon on Ribeira Brava our guests had very different experience. Our inshore Bottlenose dolphins were in a resting mode and behaved restrained. Some animals slapped […]
This afternoon there were several animals out on the ocean. Though the Atlantic Spotted dolphins, Risso dolphins and Sperm whales were very reserved. Four guests briefly […]
Calm and sunny morning out on the Atlantic ocean and amazing encounters with our summer dolphins: the Atlantic spotted dolphins. We had to go out quiet […]
Today it was like a dream: best weather, calm Ocean and WONDERful sightings. The morning started with an awesome sighting of Atlantic Spotted dolphins. But then […]
Sliding effortlessly through an element which is so foreign to us, that’s what dolphins do! In today’s case, Common dolphins and additionally in the afternoon Atlantic […]
Sunday morning with Atlantic Spotted dolphins, Pilot whales, Common dolphins and a bright blue ocean. It can not be better. And what did the big Blue […]