The Madeiran fires have luckily calmed down. There was still smoke in the air, but with the fires under control, we sailed out on six trips today. In the morning, we had active dolphins making many jumps around our boat.
In the afternoon, we had a wonderful international boat: guests from Germany, the UK, France, and Italy. A big THANK YOU to this amazing group that were so passionate and curious about the ocean and the dolphins. It’s a great pleasure for me as a guide to find like-minded people on board. I shared many stories about the dolphins and ocean with the guests, and in return, they told me many of their fascinating experiences with the ocean. We had a guest working with marine turtles in Italy, a guest supporting sea shepherd, guests seeing dolphins in Egypt, orcas in America, and guests going out on all kind of sailing trips. A great trip!
On this trip, we were again fishing for garbage. An old buoy with entangled ropes was floating at the water surface. This kind of garbage can be very dangerous for marine life, which can get entangled in it. Luckily enough, this time the nets were free of marine life. We did find some crabs on the lines, which our guests observed curiously, and we let free again in the ocean.
by Judith Kok
Todays sightings:
Ribeira Brava:
09.00: Bottlenose Dolphins
13.30: Bottlenose Dolphins, Pilot Whales
17.00: Bottlenose Dolphins, Common Dolphins
09.00: Bottlenose Dolphins
15.30: Bottlenose Dolphins, Atlantic Spotted Dolphins
18.00: Bottlenose Dolphins, Common Dolphins, Atlantic Spotted Dolphins