Calonectris diomedia borealis
Heute Vormittag jede Menge Delfine: Streifendelfine ganz ruhig so wie das Meer und gemeine Delfine, die Lieblingsdelfine von unserem jüngsten männlichen Gast. Zudem noch die Portugiesische Galeere, so gefährlich wie schön. Am Nachmittag dann Pottwale, Falsche Karettschildkröten und eine tanzende Portugiesische Galeere. An Vögeln gab es heute Gelbschnabelsturmtaucher, Schwarzschnabel Sturmtaucher und einen Dunklen Sturmtaucher. Viel Spaß mit den Bildern / Fotos ihrer Tour, die ich chronologisch geordnet habe.
Today many, many dolphins: striped ones calm as the sea, also common ones the favourites of a young guest on board. We also saw the beautiful dangerous portuguese man of war. In the afternoon we saw sperm whales and a dancing portuguese man of war, also sea turtles. “Birdwise” we saw some Manx Shearwater and a Sooty Shearwater. Have fun with the pictures 😉
Hoje vimos muitos golfinhos: os riscados tão calmos quanto o mar, também vimos comuns os preferidos do mais novo cliente a bordo. Vimos também uma bela mas perigosa caravela portuguesa. Na viagem da tarde vimos cachalotes e uma caravela portuguesa dançante. Quanto as aves vimos patagarros e um pardela-preta. Divirtam se com as fotos 😉
Homo sapiens
Delphinus delphis / Calonectris diomedia borealis
Stenella coeruleoalba
Homo sapiens
Homo sapiens
Physeter macrocephalus
Caretta caretta
Physalia physalis
Homo sapiens
Puffinus puffinus
Puffinus griseus
Hi, I will be visiting Madeira from 18th-29th April and have been looking through your excellent blog to get a feel for some of the marine wildlife that I might hopefully encounter. Fantastic pictures! One little thing: the bird labelled Stercorarius skua at the bottom of this post looks much more like a Sooty Shearwater (Puffinus griseus) to me.
Hi Andy, thank’s for your interest in our blog and thanks for the information about this bird today. We are whale watchers and not birdwatchers and it’s really very difficult and a challenge to identify the birds. Normally we ask for help when we aren’t sure, but this time I didn’t bother our birdwatching friends and specialists in this area, the windbirds. I should have better done so. Thanks a lot, we will correct it. Claudia
Hi Claudia – you’re welcome! Seabird identification can be tricky… We may see you for a whale-watching trip later this month. Andy