Phaeton aethereus
Eine tolle Tour für Vogelbeobachter, wir sahen Bulwersturmvögel, viele Gelbschnabelsturmtaucher neben einer Raubmöwe ausruhend, und weit draußen zwei dieser Rotschnabel Tropikvögel. Es gab eine falsche Karettschildkröte und eine portugiesische Galeere und einen angebissenen Tintenfisch, nur die Schnabelwale tauchten immer wieder ab bevor wir sie richtig sehen konnten. Hier ein link zu einem unserer Videos mit Blainville Schnabelwalen
Today we had a perfect trip for bird watchers, we saw Bulwer’s petrels, lots of Cory’s Shearwaters next to a reasting Great Skua, and some Red-billed Tropicbirds. We also saw a Loggerhead sea turtel, a portuguese man of war and a half-eaten squid. Just the sneaky beaked whales that our spotter saw from land surfaced before we could see them properly. Here is a link to one of our Videos with Blainville’s beacked whales
Hoje foi uma viagem perfeita para observadores de aves, vimos almas negras, muitas cagarras perto de um moleiro-grande que descansava, e alguns rabos-de-palha. Vimos também uma tartaruga boba, uma caravela portuguesa e uma lula já meia comida. As baleias de bico mergulhavam sempre, antes que as conseguíssemos ver bem. Aqui está o link para um dos nossos Videos com baleias de bico de Blainville
Physalia physalis
Phaeton aethereus
Stercorarius skua / Calonectris diomedia borealis
Caretta caretta