Tümmler, Pilotwale, Schnabelwale, portugisische Geleeren und falsche Karettschildkröten, ein Tag voller schöner Sichtungen und netter Gäste an Bord. Und zum Schluß der Fahrt noch ein kleines Rätsel: was sind das für Vögel, die in solch schöner Formation in weiter Ferne daher gezogen sind?
Mesoplodon densirostris (Weibchen, female, femea)
Mesoplodon densirostris (Männchen, male, macho)
Bottlenose dolphins, short-finned pilote whales, portuguese man of war, Loggerhead turtles, a day full of surprises and nice clients onboard the “Ribeira Brava”. And on the end one question for bird specialists: What are these birds which are flying in such a nice formation far at the horizont?
Roazes, baleias piloto, caravelas portuguesas, tartarugas boba, um dia cheio de surpresas e pessoas agradáveis a bordo da “Ribeira Brava”. E no fim mais uma pergunta a vocês todos: Quais serão estes aves, que voam nessa formação tão linda muito longe no horizonte?
Globicephala macrorhynchus / Tursiops truncatus
Laut meiner Vogelkundelehrerin sollen das wohl “Regenbrachvögel” sein, danke Catarina.
Like my bird teacher said, this should be “Whimbrels”, thanks Catarina.
Deve ser “Maçaricos” diz a minha professora das aves, obrigada Catarina.