Delphinus delphis
Tag der Nelkenrevolution in Portugal 1974, also Feiertag und wir sind bei sonnigem Wetter morgens zu den gemeinen Delfinen gefahren, nachmittags war es dann zu windig (Westwind!!!)
Delphinus delphis
Day of the revolution in Portugal 1974, a day off, but not for us, we had a sunny morning trip to see the common dolphins, in the afternoon we had to cancel our trip because of the wind from west!!!
Calonectris diomedia borealis
Dia da revolução dos cravos em 1974, mas par nós não houve feriado, saímos num dia de sol de manha para ver golfinhos comuns e a tarde cancelamos a viagem por causa do vento forte do quadrante oeste!!!
Ribeira Brava, vale of Serra d’agua and Encumeada