Es ist mal wieder sehr spät, daher schnell die Aufzählung unserer Sichtungen von heute: vormittags eine falsche Karettschildkröte, mittags große Tümmler und die Befreiung einer Schildkröte aus einem Kartoffelplastiksack (Video nun fertig hier) und nachmittags eine Bartenwalmutter mit Kalb und wieder Tümmler.
Again its late so I write what we saw today rapidly: in the morning a Loggerhead turtle, on the midday trip bottlenose dolphins and we saved a turtle which was captured by a plastic bag for potatoes (video ready now and here) and on the afternoon trip we saw a baleen whale and her calf and bottlenose dolphins as well.
Novamente muito tarde e assim mando aqui o que vimos hoje: de manha uma tartaruga, na viagem ao meio dia roazes e o salvamento duma tartaruga que estava embrulhado num saco de plástico para batatas (vido agora disponível) e a tarde vimos uma baleia de barbas com cria e roazes.