Today we went from one sighting to the next and had ideal sighting conditions for our guests. Right after leaving the Marina we saw for some moments a loggerhead sea-turtle. But the marine reptile was scared and dove down quickly. A short time afterwards, spotter Carlos led us to an active school of Common dolphins with many Cory`s Shearwater flying up and down. Marine mammals and marine birds united in preying on food – what a wonderful and dynamic sight. The sea was bubbling when the dolphins rushed from one place to another. Diving down, jumping high, always seaching for the next fish-meal. Later we found the same situation in two different schools of Atlantic spotted dolphins, which we observed from a distance. Eveywhere dolphins chasing and preying on food. Some of the animals slapped several times their tails on the watersurface, others jumped high and landed with a big splash. All this actions and movements are most probably part of a hunting strategy in order to herd the schooling fish for a more effective meal.
by Astrid Haas
Sightings of the day:
Ribeira Brava
13.30: Common dolphins and Atlantic spotted dolphins