Stenella coeruleoalba
Zu müde für mehr Worte, weil wir 3 Fahrten auf der Ribeira Brava hatten: morgens sahen wir Streifendelfine, mittags Tümmler und Streifendelfine und nachmittags gab es Fleckendelfine zu sehen.
Stenella frontalis
Too tired for more words, like we had 3 trips on Ribeira Brava today: morning trip with striped dolphins, midday trip we saw bottlenose dolphins and striped dolphins and afternoon trip was with atlantic spotted dolphins.
Tursiops truncatus
Muito cansada para mais palavras, como tivemos 3 viagens no Ribeira Brava hoje: de manha vimos golfinhos riscados, a seguir vimos roazes e golfinhos riscados e a tarde tivemos com golfinhos pintados.
Stenella coeruleoalba
Stenella frontalis / Calonectris diomedia borealis
Stenella coeruleoalba