Physeter macrocephalus
Zwischen den windigen Tagen mit rauem Meer in der letzten Woche und den kommenden Tagen, hatten wir die Möglichkeit für 3 Fahrten am Mittwoch, die wir bestens genutzt haben. Es gab, neben den vielen portugisischen Galeeren, 6 Sichtungen von 4 verschiedenen Arten mit unterschiedlichen Verhaltensweisen. Die Streifendelfine waren wie immer scheu, aber sind teilweise sehr schön gesprungen (hoffe die Videos sind was geworden), die gemeinen Delfine mit unterschiedlichem Verhalten auf der ersten und zweiten Fahrt (einmal scheu, einmal nicht) und die Tümmler in einer aktiven Schule, einige mit deutlichen Zeihen auf dem Kürper, teils auch mit Verletzung (leider sind die Bilder nicht ganz scharf) und letztendlich dann die Pottwale so phantastisch am breachen (leider zu weit zum photographieren) und mit dem Schwanz aufs Wasser schlagend (tailslaping), und wir mit unserer Stenella mittendrin.
Tursiops truncatus
In between the windy and rough sea, these last and following days, we could make 3 trips out and all together we had, beside lots of portuguese man of wars, 6 sightings, all together 4 different species and behaviors. The striped dolphins shy like normal but leaping quiet well (hope my vids will be good), the common dolphins with different behaviors on the first and second trip (once shy, once not) and the bottlenose dolphins in a very active pod, some of them had marks and injuries (sorry my photo is not the best) and finally the sperm whales so magnificent while breaching (too far to take pics, waiting for our vids) and tail slapping far and close and our Stenella boat in between them.
Delphinus delphis
Entre os dias de vento e mar mau houve ontem a possibilidade de sair e nos aproveitamos e fizemos 3 viagens. Aparte das muitas caravelas portuguesas, tivemos 6 avistamentos e observamos 4 espécies diferentes com comportamentos interessantes. os golfinhos riscados estavam tímidos como sempre mas saltaram bem (espero que os vídeos ficaram bem), os golfinhos comuns mostraram comportamentos diferentes na primeira e na segunda viagem (uma vês tímidos, outra vês não) e os roazes estavam muito ativos, alguns com marcas e até cicatrizes (lamento mas as fotos não ficarão muito nítidos). Finalmente os cachalotes maravilhosos com saltos (demasiados distantes para poder fotografar) e batendo os caudais (tailslaping) e a nossa embarcação Stenella no meio deles.
Stenella coeruleoalba
Physeter macrocephalus
Physeter macrocephalus
Physalia physalis
Physeter macrocephalus
Was part of the tour on March 20th at around 1:30 pm and it would have been really nice, if we would have also seen the whale show up like this. None the less, all the Dolphins and the amazingly beautiful, yet dangerous jellyfish were an amazing sight.
We tried at the 1.30 trip as well, but our spotter lost them twice, so no way and this is what makes nature so great.
I fully agree.