Grampus griseus
Auf unseren 2 “Riberia Brava” Fahrten zog es uns vormittags in den Westen und nachmittags in den Osten. Und wir möchten höflich anfragen, ob der Herr aus dem Hotel Atrio Zimmer 3 nicht bei uns als Späher anheuern möchte. Ein grosses Lob an seine aufmerksamen Augen!!! Die Tümmlerfotos verraten zu welcher Stunde wir die Sichtung hatten und wir gehen mit der Sichtung zweier Arten beruhigt in einen freien Sonntag: guieds, vigias, skipper alle freuen sich auf einen sonnigen erholsamen Sonntag an Land. Für unsere Gäste sind wir natürlich auch morgen im Lobosonda Info Center in der marina von Calheta von 10 bis 18 Uhr erreichbar, die nächsten Fahrten finden aber erst wieder ab Montag statt.
We had two trips with Ribeira Brava, in the morning we went in the West, and in the afternoon in the East. We want to asky, kindly, our guest from the hotel Atrio, room 3 if he wants to work for us as spotter. A big thank you to his eagle eyes!! The bottelnose dolphins pictures show the time of the day they where seen, and we go into a free day in peace with nice trips with different species beeing sighted. But if you need us our Info Center in the marina of Calheta is allways open from 10.00 to 18.00, and we are allways contactable by phone (+351) 96 8400980. The next trip will be on Monday.
Hoje tivemos duas viagens com o Ribeira Brava, de manhã fomos para Oeste e a tarde para Este. Queremos pedir ao senhor do Hotel Atrio, quarto 3 se estaria disponível para ser nosso vigia. Um enorme agradecimento aos olhos de aguia deste senhor!! As fotos dos roazes deixam saber a que horas foi o avistamento, quem adivinha? E assim vamos todos para um domingo de folga descansados com bonitos avistamentos. Mas estamos sempre abertos no nosso Info Center na marina da Calheta das 10.00 as 18.00 e por telefone (+351) 96 8400980. As próximas viagens são segunda feira.
Grampus griseus
Tursiops truncatus
Calonectris diomedia borealis
Grampus griseus
Please could we have your daily summary in English as well as German, as it has been previously. Thank you
Hi Karen,
I’m very sorry but soon all will be translated in english and portuguese as unusually. My daughter who is doing this job is in Lisbon and she will come back in the middle of the week. I’m very happy that people are asking for that translation, this means to me our work in the blog has meaning to our guests. Greetings to the UK Claudia & the Lobosonda Team