In south of Germany there is a highway exit near to Stuttgart by the name Sindelfingen. And the name DELFIN mean dolphin. So often I passed there and never noticed. Which kind of Delphin is not explained. Perhaps the Atlantic spottet dolphins, which we met in the morning on Stenellas first “snorkeling with Dolphins” trip for 2016. Or it could be the Common dolphins or the Striped dolphins, which we met today as well on our trips. You may choose the species, you would like to see in this city name Sindelfingen, and there plenty of them. Worldwide we have more than 40 different species of dolphins.
by Claudia Gomes
Todays sightings:
Ribeira Brava
10.00: Common dolphins, Spotted dolphins, Striped dolphins
10.00: Common dolphins
14.30: Spotted dolphins (snorkelling with dolphins)