Heute sahen wir morgens Pilotwale, die erst am Fressen waren, immer wieder längere Tauchphasen hatten, und dann aber ruhig an der Oberfläche trieben. Nachmittags machen Dutzende von Fleckendelfine ein Spektakel um unser Boot. Leider haben wir Probleme mit einem unserer Tanks, gestern gerade voll getankt und nun leckt er, daher finden morgen keine Fahrten statt. Rafael hat schon den ganzen Kraftstoff umgepumpt und wird morgen dann schweißen.
Today in the morning we saw pilot whales, first they were hunting with longer diving periods in between but later on they calmed up and were resting calmly at the surface. In the afternoon lots of atlantic spotted dolphins were playing around the boat. Unfortunately we have a problem with one of our tanks, which we filled yesterday totally. Rafael emptied already the leaky tank and tomorrow he will weld it, so tomorrow there are no trips.
Hoje de manha vimos bocas de panela, primeiro estavam a caçar com mergulhos longos, mas depois acalmaram e descançaram na superficie. A tarde desenas de golfinhos pintados brincaram a volta do barco. Infelizmente temos um problema com um dos nossos tanques, que ontem foram enchidos completamente. O Rafael já esvaziou o tanque e amanha vai soldar de novo. Por isso não podemos sair amanha.