Heute gab’s mal wieder etwas besondereres zu beobachten, mit den scheuen Streifendelfinen weit draußen vor Canhas war es nicht genug. Wir sahen auch Rundkopfdelfine, die Fotos hier zeigen sie in allen Altersvarianten, denn je älter sie werden umso heller und verschrammter werden sie.
Today we’d something more special to observe, the shy striped dolphins far out of Canhas weren’t enough. We cold be with a big pod of Risso’s dolphins, the photos show all ages, because with the passing f the time the Risso’s get lighter and fuller of marks.
Hoje tivemos novamente algo mais especial para observar, os golfinhos riscados bastante fora das Canhas não bastavam. Encontramos um grupo grande de grampos, as fotos mostram animais de todas as idades, porque com o passar do tempo eles ficam mais claro e com sempre mas cicatrizes.
Tursiops australis – New species of dolphin discovered in Australia
“Around 150 of the dolphins live around the Melbourne area and had until now been assumed to be one of the known bottlenose dolphins.
But detailed DNA studies and analysis of skulls in museums showed the two populations are in fact a new species.
The new classification as Tursiops australis is described in PLoS One…”
This is exciting although the species is endangered as as there have only been three new dolphin species formally described and recognised since the late 1800s!
From BBC website 15th September
Happy Sailing
Paul Abbiati
Very interesting, a new species, great news. Nature has so many surprises for us, thanks for sharing.