Auf beiden Fahrten sahen wir große Tümmler , auf der zweiten Fahrt schienen sie viel dunkler, aber das lag an den Lichtverhältnissen. Morgens sahen wir noch viele Fleckendelfine und mittags gab es zwei Bartenwale, sehr scheue Gesellen, daher sahen nur einige Gäste ihren Blas und wir konnten sie nicht identifizieren.
On both trips we saw bottlenose dolphins, on the second trip they seemed to be darker, but only because of the light. As well in the morning we had lots of atlantic spotted dolphins and in the midday trip there were baleen whales, but too shy and so only some guests saw their blow and we couldn’t identify them.
Em ambas as viagens vimos roazes, na secunda viagem eles apareceram mais escuro, mas só por causa da luz. De manha tivemos também com bastantes golfinhos pintados e na viagem do meio dia havia duas baleias de barbas, mas muito tímidos e assim só alguns clientes viram o sopro deles, que não dava para identifica-los.