On our way to the blue office we weren’t sure if we were going to see anything as the ocean was starting to get rough. Still we went out searching, as we normally do everyday, but hopes were slim. After a while, we got a call from the spotter saying to go to Paúl do Mar side as there was some surprise there. We searched and searched but nothing was there, we turned back to Calheta still searching for “something” but nothing was there to be seen. Suddenly another call from the spotter, go again to Paúl’s side but the surprise was a bit farther out, more or less in Ponta do Pargo side. It took a lot of time in between the wind and the white caps but we got it. What a wonderful sight it was: a Humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) jumping just next to us. I leave the pictures to tell the rest of the story.
by Daniel Jardim
Sightings of the day
09:30 Humpback whale