Another day another surprise in the big blue, that we love to call our daily office and playground!
We started with a snorkeling tour, that ended up very successful.. Fast swimming dolphins made us have a little morning workout, but after all we all enjoyed to join our best friends, the altlantic spotted dolphins (Stenella frontalis) in their own living room.
Their name actually already tells us two important facts about them:
You only find them in the Atlantic ocean – and in fact the biggest population in the Bahamas, where theyre considered resident. From the Bahamas they carry out long migration across the whole Atlantic. Not a bad life hey ?!
Plus their beautiful spotted pattern, that they start getting when they reach the age of sexual maturity at around seven years old.
Being very spoilt with their abundance and performance, as huge pods approach our boats and literally give us a breathtaking show.. It almost give you a misconception of encounters in the wild, believing that all species would react this way.
In the afternoon tour, one of our guests expressed her wish of seeing a turtle..
A little while later, and say no more ! Loggerhead turtle (Caretta caretta) there is 😊
Always pleased by meeting those warriors out at see, how they slowly travel their way in the currents of our ocean to one day return to the place they hatched.
Guest onboard of our Stenella evening trip were blessed with a special visitor – the Pilotwhales (Globicephala macrorhyncus) too.
Hoping for our ocean to keep blessing us with tours like this!
by Paulina Kalita
Sightings of the day
Ribeira Brava
10:00 Atlantic Spotted Dolphin
15:00 Atlantic Spotted Dolphin, Loggerhead
9:30 Atlantic Spotted Dolphin
14:00 Atlantic Spotted Dolphin, Loggerhead
17:00 Pilot wale, Atlantic Spotted Dolphin, Loggerhead Turtle