Delphinus delphis
Heute hatte die “Ribeira Brava” mal eine Pause, wir fuhren mit der “Stenella” aufs glatte Meer. Gesehen haben wir außer großen Tümmlern und gemeinen Delfinen auch eine ganze Reihe von falschen Karettschildkröten und leider auch viel Plastikabfall 🙁
Tursiops truncatus
Today the “Ribeira Brava” had a day off and we went out on “Stenella”. The ocean was very flat and so we saw, beside the bottlenose dolphins and the common dolphins, quiet a lot of Loggerhead turtles. Unfortunately as well there was a lot of plastic rubbish floating on the ocean 🙁
Delphinus delphis
Hoje o “Ribeira Brava” teve um dia de folga e saímos com a “Stenella” para o mar. Vimos roazes, golfinhos comuns e, como o mar estava muito calmo, também observamos algumas tartarugas bobas. Infelizmente avistamos também bastante lixo de plástico no mar 🙁
Tursiops truncatus