So calm and flat the ocean layed upon us in the sunshine, but our Senior captain said: “Such a flat ocean in Decembertime means strong wind is aproaching”. Yes and these wind is already in the forecast, but before, and this ment today, we wanted to exploit the wonderful weather and so we went out with both boats. We could acompain a pot of resident Bottlenose Dolphins, which were travelling along the coastline not so far from shore and later on we encountered a pod of socializing Common Dolphins. Representing themselves first without young once and after a while more and more calfs next to their dolphin mothers were seen. Thanks to the animals and the ocean for these peaceful encounter, where beside the encounter we could realize a very special farewell. And lets always remember that every goodbye is as well a restart.
by Claudia Gomes
Todays sightings:
Ribeira Brava:
10.00: Bottlenose dolphins, Common dolphins
10.00: Bottlenose dolphins, Common dolphins