We had a nice trip today with quit a few sea turtles, a tiny crab, a barnacle, Bottlenose dolphins and Atlantic Spotted dolphins. The title today is fishing because today we picked quit a lot plastic bottles out of the ocean. Fishing for litter! A good reason to mention our blog from the 8th of June 2016 were you can see lot of little videos presenting great people and amazing projects engaged to get plastics out of the ocean or even avoiding plastic. Worth to mention is a young man who developed a bottle made out of water and algae powder. If we had already these types of bottles in our supermarkets there were no reason to fish in this way.
During the afternoon trip we saw again both dolphin species. Our guests were super enthusiastic and had far far vision 😉
by Fatima Kutzschbach
Todays sightings:
Ribeira Brava:
17.00: Bottlenose dolphins, Atlantic Spotted dolphins
09.00: Atlantic Spotted dolphins
12.00: Bottlenose dolphins, Atlantic Spotted dolphins
15.30: Bottlenose dolphins, Atlantic Spotted dolphins