Sperm Whales (Physeter macrocephalus). We all know them and we all love them; it’s almost definitely the number one species we are asked about upon leaving. It’s understandable with their mythic size, deep dives, and deep connection to human whale history.
As magical as these animals may seem, however, they are animals just like us, and some things all animals must do. That’s why earlier today, during an encounter, a guest asked me what a suspicious brown patch behind the whale was. I simply had to answer, “I think you already know what it is.” Whilst this may be seen as a case of “don’t meet your heroes,” it should be noted that whale faeces are essential for the proper distribution of nutrients in the water column, so (whilst improper to humans) cetacean we met today was simply doing her job.
By Peter Worth
Sightings of the Day
Ribeira Brava
09:30 Bottlenose Dolphins, Sperm Whales
13:30 Bottlenose Dolphins, Sperm Whales
09:30 Bottlenose Dolphins, Sperm Whales
13:30 Bottlenose Dolphins, Sperm Whales