Besides Atlantic Spotted Dolphins and Bottlenose Dolphins, the observing and well trained eyes of our spotter Carlos found us also Spermwhales today, the biggest species of the suborder of toothed whales. Already during our afternoon trip (15.30 hour), we got this exciting message and speed up with Stenella to the position Carlos sent us to. Now it was a question of the right timing and passion in order to see the animals surfacing. Only our guests of the two evening tours (Ribeira Brava and Stenella) finally succeed in observing the “champions of deep-dives” during breathing at surface. The blow of spermwhales is unique, bowed to the left side of their big heads. Year around, females and their youngs live in small groups in the deep waters off Madeira. There they find their favourite food, deep sea squid.
by Astrid Haas
Todays sightings:
Ribeira Brava
09.00: Bottlenose Dolphins
17.00: Sperm Whales and Bottlenose Dolphins
09.00: Bottlenose Dolphins and Atlantic Spotted Dolphins
15.30: Bottlenose Dolphins and Atlantic Spotted Dolphins
18.00: Bottlenose Dolphins and Sperm Whales