The second candle is lit for today’s Advent. This blog will be dedicate to plants, more specifically Trees.
Trees are not only beautiful they also retrain carbon dioxide. Trees filter water and protect us from flooding and landslide. They are a habitat for a sooo many animals and plants. Trees imply quality of life! Just think about a hike through a healthy and beautiful broad-leaved forest.
In 2007 the, at the time, nine year old Felix Finkbeiner set up the project „Plant – for – the – planet”. His vision implies that the children of our earth are going to plant one million trees in every country to compensate, with CO2, for all the Trees that have been ripped from the ground lately. The idea of this little boy set a precedent. The current areas plantations are for example: Malaysia, Costa Rica, Namibia and Brazil. We find this initiative admirable!
What’s about you giving away a (Christmas) tree? Isn’t it a good feeling to know, that with the value of our Christmas present, trees are being planted so that our planet earth can get green and healthy again?
Plant for the Planet – a green and healthy Planet
by Fatima Kutzschbach