Gemeine Delfine, Tümmler und Pottwale
Common dolphins, bottlenose dolphins and sperm whales
Golfinhos comuns, roazes e cachalotes
Physeter macrocephalus
Delphinus delphis
Tursiops truncatus
Physeter macrocephalus
Die Pottwale am Nachmittag, es waren 5, schwammen in einer Reihe nebeneinander immer Richtung Westen.
The sperm whales from the afternoon trip, 5 animals, were swimming in a line one next to the other, allways in the direction west.
Os cachalotes da parte da tarde, eram 5 animais, nadaram lado ao lado numa linha sempre em direcção a oeste.
Hier fängt der Pottwal seinen Tauchgang an.
Here the sperm whale beginns its diving.
Aqui o cachalote começa o seu mergulho.