Gestern mal ein richtiger Sonntag, also ein freier Sonntag und heute ein Pilotwaltag. Sowohl vor als auch nachmittags sahen wir Pilotwale. Morgens waren auch Tümmler dabei.
Yesterday was a really sunday, it was a really day off and today was a pilot whale day. In the morning and the afternoon we had sightings of pilot whales, in the morning we saw as well bottlenose dolphins.
Ontem fui um domingo verdadeiro, um domingo sem viagens e hoje era dia de baleias piloto. Tanto de manha como a tarde vimos bocas de panela. De manha avistamos tambem roazes.
Globicephala macrorhynchus (11.18)
Globicephala macrorhynchus (11.23)
Globicephala macrorhynchus (11.42)