Resümee des heutigen Tages: scheue, residente Tümmler, verschiedene Schulen Fleckendelfine, ein kleiner Glaskalamar (seltene Hochseeform) neben dem Boot, ein verpaßter Pottwal und eine abgesagte Nachmittagsfahrt wegen Wind und Wellen. Auch morgen werden wir nicht fahren: Regen, Wind und Wellen sind angesagt.
What was the day today: some bottlenose dolphins shy and resident here in our region, different pods of atlantic spotted dolphins, one little glass squid (rare specie from open ocean) next to the boat, one sperm whale which dived too early and one afternoon trip that we had to cancel because of wind and waves. As well tomorrow we have to cancel the trips: rain, wind and waves will come.
Resumo do dia de hoje: roazes timidos e residentes cá, varios grupos de golfinhos pintados, uma “pota agua mar” (espécie rara do alto mar) perto do barco, um cachalot que mergulhou cedo de mais e uma viagen da tarde, que tivemos de cancelar por causa do vento e das ondas. Tambem para amanha não podemos fazer viagens: chuva, vento e onulação.
Cranchiidae, wahrscheinlich, probably, provavelmente Leachia sp.