Such a trip out on the sea, towards these beautiful marine mammals involves big risks. You need to know in first hand: the risk of infection is very high!!
It can happen that you may be taken into possesion by enthusiasm, joy, passion and absolute timelessnes. It also may happen that „Endolphine“ races through your bloodstream and that your heart bursts out of your chest with joy. Maybe you will be speechless with awe at the beauty of nature, or the opposite may happen: a true cheer unexpectedly leaves your mouth. The side effects are so considerable.
That’s what happened to the”Shorties” (DE: Kurzen), they have been absolutely passionate whale watchers for many years, always with heart and soul. For them, it comes out of question, to visit a dolphinarium. Out here on the sea, they are close to the animals and are happy about every encounter on their own way. What began as an interest out of curiosity, has since developed into a great love. We can see it when they come as guests to our trips. It’s allways a joy yo have them on board, with their vibrancy, and their absolute love for the marine mammals and to every sighting. What an asset!
Our “Shorties” (DE: Kurzen) are, of course, representative of all equally passionate guests who we welcome again and again. It is allways a joy to meet people that share the same interests as ours for marine life.
The self-engagement our guests show within every sighting is something worth living for. A valuable moment when everything around you is forgotten and “only” the present counts. It is in such moments that the connection with nature can be experienced. In an era that is often so hectic it is a great way to stop and breathe. What a gift!
Also we as a team are taken again and again by the playfulness and beauty of dolphins, or taken by the elegance and uniqueness of whales and moved by the delight of our guests. This mutual contagious enthusiasm enriches us and our work as well. It is a great pleasure to share the passion for these wonderful animals in their natural habitat. Therefore, a big thank you to the “Shorties” (DE: Kurzen) and all the other guests who leave with us on this long journey.
There are also some people who enjoy these moments quietly and in private. But this does not mean that the infection has not taken place…
/Written by Fatima Kutzschbach