Some days ago we had the so called Strawberry moon (full moon on summer solstice), an event which most of us experience once in a life time. Three days later our trips were under a good star, in the sign of the dolphin. In all trips we had schools of dolphins. During the morning trip Atlantic Spotted dolphins and Common dolphins scrimmaged together in the bow of Stenella. The Striped dolphins behaved like usually: reserved. Since the day was under the sign of the dolphin we also saw dolphin fish, which dared to surge in the bow wave of Stenella. To the question: “Which family does the dolphin fish belongs to”? The answer is: they belong to the order of common trevally and are related to perch. Dolphin fish is also known under the name Mahi mahi.
by Fatima Kutzschbach
P.S. By the way there is really the sign of the dolphin in our night sky. Keep an eye out!
Sightings of the day:
Ribeira Brava
13.30: Atlantic Spotted dolphins
17.00: Atlantic Spotted dolphins
09.00: Atlantic Spotted dolphins, Common dolphins, Striped dolphins