A peaceful Saturday morning, a calm ocean and some little rain drops on the ocean. A huge school of Atlantic Spotted dolphins traveled in direction North- […]
Lobosondas Guides like to encourage their guests, asking questions during the trips. Regarding the animals or other interesting subjects related to the marine environment. So todays […]
Claudias impressions: Appointments are made in advance, they may happen spontaneously or be canceled or postphoned. This is what happened to our tours today. In the […]
Fatimas impressions: During our morning trips both boats had Atlantic Spootted dolphins. Nice encounters. The animals were found by our spotters. We were very lucky to […]
Fatima’s impressions: A jump can have very different meanings. Dolphins jump for example because of joy,to impress, to show dominance, to give an acoustic information to other […]
Astrids impressions: After a stormy weekend at Madeiras southwest coast, today we went back to “normal”, with a scedule of 5 trips. Except for one, which […]
Astrid’s impressions: Also in October, the Atlantic spotted dolphins remains faithful with us. On our trips today, these beautiful animals made us anew happy with their […]
Claudia’s impressions: Todays sightings: On our way far to the east we were surprised by a small pod of BLAINVILLE BEAKED WHALES. On our way to the […]