October 30, 2015

25.07.2015 – Happy kids and more…

It is always a joy to observe our young guests on board, as Stella on board Stenella today. She kept switching from her own seat to […]
October 28, 2015

24.10.2015 – Raindrops on the ocean

A peaceful Saturday morning, a calm ocean and some little rain drops on the ocean. A huge school of Atlantic Spotted dolphins traveled in direction North- […]
October 19, 2015

14.10.2015 – Question time on board: Are there dinosaur in Madeira?

Lobosondas Guides like to encourage their guests, asking questions during the trips. Regarding the animals or other interesting subjects related to the marine environment. So todays […]
October 15, 2015

13.10.2015 – RENDEZ-VOUS

Claudias impressions: Appointments are made in advance, they may happen spontaneously or be canceled or postphoned. This is what happened to our tours today. In the […]
October 14, 2015

12.10.2015 – To find and to be found

Fatimas impressions: During our morning trips both boats had Atlantic Spootted dolphins. Nice encounters. The animals were found by our spotters. We were very lucky to […]
October 10, 2015

08.10.2015 – What does it mean?

Fatima’s impressions: A jump can have very different meanings. Dolphins jump for example because of joy,to impress, to show dominance, to give an acoustic information to other […]
October 9, 2015

07.10.2015 – Surfing Calheta: pure vitality

Astrids impressions: After a stormy weekend at Madeiras southwest coast, today we went back to “normal”, with a scedule of 5 trips. Except for one, which […]
October 5, 2015

02.10.2015 – Faithful Spotted dolphins

Astrid’s impressions: Also in October, the Atlantic spotted dolphins remains faithful with us. On our trips today, these beautiful animals made us anew happy with their […]
October 4, 2015

01.10.2015 – FAR IN THE EAST

Claudia’s impressions: Todays sightings: On our way far to the east we were surprised by a small pod of BLAINVILLE BEAKED WHALES. On our way to the […]