November 16, 2015

10.11.2015 – Fishy sighting

Today we were lucky enough to see a Bryde’s whale, and even had the (un)pleasant opportunity to smell the (bad) fishy breath! It is kind of […]
November 15, 2015

09.11.2015 – Power of the waves

Today the trips were very different, not only in terms of boats but also related to the sightings. In the morning the Pilot whales where in […]
November 13, 2015

06.11.2015 – We love spots

Yes, we love spots and to be more concrete: Atlantic SPOTTed dolphins. At the morning we had a beautiful sighting with a huge group of this […]
November 12, 2015

05.11.2015 – November friends

For us, here on Madeira, November normally still is t-shirt month. So today most of our guests came for the tour wearing exactly that: a t-shirt! […]
November 11, 2015

04.11.2015 – A picture is worth a thousand words

Today only with a few words, but some nice pictures from our friends the Spotted dolphins! by Claudia Gomes Todays sightings: Stenella 10.00: Atlantic spotted dolphins
November 11, 2015

03.11.2015 – Escaped

Today we escaped the rain. We had a calm atmosphere on the ocean, but far away we saw darkest clouds. What we saw today? Atlantic Spotted […]
November 9, 2015

02.11.2015 – Astrid

Being happy or sad, these both emotions are sometimes close-by. Like today! A reason for happyness was the beautiful sighting with the Atlantic Spotted dolphins. Our boat […]
November 7, 2015

31.10.2015 – Goodbye October

Concerning the weather, this month will not be remembered as a so called “golden October”. Ok, some days were warm and calm, with a sea like […]
November 5, 2015

29.10.2015 – 1, 2, 3, WONDER!

What a WONDERful trip did we have this afternoon with our boat Stenella. First we went out to a school of Atlantic Spotted dolphins (1). Our […]