Today the different species of dolphins were frantic. During the morning the Atlantic Spotted dolphins travelled fast in the North-West direction, at noon Bottlenose dolphins went […]
Bottlenose dolphins, Atlantic Spotted dolphins, Loggerhead turtle, Common dolphins, Corys Shearwaters… what an amazing morning! During the afternoon´s trip we had many wild, amped, frisky, happy, […]
We had a great afternoon on the ocean today with Stenella. The trip started with Bottlenose dolphins and then continued with Atlantic Spotted dolphins, which were in […]
The early morning trip started with Bottlenose dolphins having breakfast in the open ocean, it reminded me Breakfast at Tiffany´s 🙂 they were busy but we had […]
Today we had again Atlantic Spotted dolphins, it was again a huge group and was again very amazing! On Stenella our guests had in addition Bottlenose […]