October 16, 2016

07.10.2016 – Cuvier’s Beaked Whales

On our Stenella trip this afternoon, we spotted the rare Cuvier’s Beaked whales. At first, they were quite shy, and they dove down several times. But […]
October 12, 2016

03.10.2016 – Northern Bottlenose Whales

On our Stenella trip this morning, we really hit the jackpot. No only did we see five different species, but also the rare Northern bottlenose whales.  […]
October 3, 2016

23.09.2016 – Experience of oceanic wideness

Today we found several times a big school of Atlantic Spotted Dolphins. The sea was like a mirrow and so we managed to observe the animals […]
October 2, 2016

22.09.2016 – Mirror Sea

Today we were gifted with a truly beautiful day. The morning started fresh, but the warm sun soon heated up the air. There was not even […]
September 28, 2016

18.09.2016 – Blainville deep divers

Wonderful tours on Ribeira Brava today. On our afternoon trip, we first had a long sighting with a big pod of Atlantic Spotted Dolphins. Our guests […]
September 23, 2016

14.09.2016 – Upside down

Today both boats had a great start in the morning. After a sighting of Blainville Beaked whales (only Ribeira Brava), big and very active schools of […]
August 30, 2016

25.08.2016 – Dolphins and Penguins

We had lot of good trips today. The dolphins were quite calm and interested, and they kept following our boat wherever we went. This gave us […]
August 29, 2016

24.08.2016 – Big stage – Magic Moments

My colleague Fatima would call it like this: today we had Endolphine in our blood (neologism with Endolphine and Dolphins) and yeah, thats the best way […]
August 17, 2016

12.08.2016 – Sky peeker

We had a great start in the day, observing a school of resting Bottlenose dolphins, moving slowly eastwards. On both of the midday tours we found […]